11 products left, but today humanity
Hi friend 👋,
I admire folks who are overjoyed to be alive. They make an effort to appreciate every moment of their lives. They look after themselves and always have a genuine smile on their face. In this traumatic environment, it is extremely difficult to maintain sane. Unfortunately, that is not the case for me. Most of the time, I'm depressed and worrying about things I can't alter. This type of despair is a part of me, and I've been working on accepting it for the last few years. And this situation can quickly spiral out of control. Your mental health has an effect on your physical health, and your physical health has an effect on your mental health. You must interrupt the pattern at some point in order to have any joy. Therapy could be a nice place to start, but it was always difficult for me to gauge their progress, and I never left them with addressed difficulties. So I changed my strategy and began to focus on my physical fitness. How old do I feel, if you must know? I'd put it between 45 and 50. What I've been through has been challenging, and I've given it a lot of consideration. There are also body mass index (BMI) scales that can be used to estimate your chronological age. It's kind of strange that my age was also displayed as 45. Also, I'm 34, or at least that's what I've been told. So, is it just me, or is the time off?
Instead than dwelling on my darker past, though, I'd want to discuss the aging process. The human race has a survival instinct. In the end, the driving force behind all of our technological advancements and creative breakthroughs is the pursuit of immortality. And the gravity transforms us throughout the year, bringing us closer to the ground as we age. There are billions of sensors out there into which we give our data, therefore I believe we now have a right to know where we are on this path.
Today, humanity is our product.
Humanity is an application that links together all these information-gathering apps and provides you with not just your age but also advice on how to better yourself. Obviously, it has and makes use of your physiology, diet, mental state, and sleep patterns to tailor the experience to you. I think all of these things have an impact on your age, the one metric I consider to be the most important indicator of your overall health and wellbeing. Meanwhile, their visual vocabulary and branding are outstanding. It makes you feel the magic.
Weekends are a fantastic time to take stock and figure out if you're happy with your life or if you need to make some changes. And the first step towards betterment is always accurate measurement. So, congratulations if you didn't need to improve anything! Otherwise, simply begin by measuring, and Humanity may be a wonderful companion.
We’ll talk again tomorrow.
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