17 products left, but today Tonal
Hi friend 👋,
I've been unfit for years, and I'll try to avoid body shaming, but I'm approaching this topic from a health standpoint. I envision a future in which I don't have to visit the hospital as frequently, and I need to be prepared for that. After experiencing severe back pain, I decided to increase my muscle capacity while decreasing my fat ratio. I've been working with a personal trainer for two months. People who know me don't believe it since I'm the guy who usually has trouble getting help and paying for my own problems. I recall carrying my refrigerator on my shoulder when relocating with a transfer service. Getting support from someone to simply transform the body type is a fantastic step for that type of man. Our training sessions take place in a small studio equipped with dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, TRX gear, and other unknown items. Within the first five minutes of every session, I begin to sweat, and if you were to see me by the end of the session, you would feel sorry for me.
Of course, I think during these sessions. I think it's ludicrous to see people getting together and doing stupid maneuvers to burn fat with man-made gear. And there are folks who are better shaped but only give orders. First, there should be privacy; second, these equipment are so inefficient, there are two 5 kilos dumbbells that are utterly useless other than being 5 kilos; and third, what the heck is the function of PT? Is it just giving me the tailor-made-looking-but-not-at-all instructions? We are going to send people to Mars, so come on, mankind!
Today, Tonal is our product.
Tonal is the digitized home gym. Digitally manipulating frictional resistance and providing the PT's screen service is used in place of traditional, static weights. I was sitting in my chair, munching on nuts (if you can picture this, you ought to go to the gym, too), when I clicked on their website and there was LeBron James. It was quite difficult to maintain my frantic rate of nut consumption. But at that point, I thought, "This is it!" I couldn't have gotten much closer to the answer than this! The weights you're working with are dynamic, and because you feed all of these sensors throughout training, they can construct a completely individualized workout program, and no one will notice how sweaty you are! Technology, how I adore thee!
Over the years, I have subscribed gym memberships despite only using them a handful of times. The results of these visits have left me feeling ashamed of my weight, and I've decided that cutting back on my food intake is preferable to working out. However, when there is a PT, I feel like I’m accountable and I cannot let anyone gets disappointed because of me. Another trigger point is that you are counting backwards while working with PT. At the end of each training, my brain tells me "X sessions left" because I purchased the amount of sessions in the first place. And you know, this newsletter's title starts with "X products left". If there is an exact finish line on any challenge I’m in, I will be there.
We’ll talk again tomorrow.
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