40 products left, but today Screen Studio
Hi friend 👋,I just checked my ProductHunt registration date. It was the year 2014, which was eight years ago. PH had no sense of community back then. You were simply scanning the list and voting up if you liked the product. There were numerous new products and concepts, the most of which originated in the United States. It was a source of inspiration for me, and it had a motivating quality that encouraged you to make something and share it on there. Being at the top of the list looked fantastic to me. It took me 4-5 years to add a product to my account, and I've been a part of 5 launches as a maker so far. We couldn't win first place, but we were consistently in the top three. Launching anything on PH was an adventure that instantly enhanced your marketing. Things have changed, and now anyone can easily hack into PH. Even in Turkey, we have PH groups where everyone begs upvotes under the patriotism umbrella. Previously, upvotes were the result of product enthusiast evaluations from all over the world; however, we made it the reason people are in PH, and I simply despise it. Since it turned out something people look for, there are even services which provides fake upvotes. Yuck! Despite my gloominess about the future of PH, I intend to continue following the page. Because there are still wonderful folks out there who start on PH with nothing more than a maker attitude. Today's product is an example of this type.
Screen recordings are terrible. I really mean it. When you record something from your screen only to demonstrate a customer, a friend, or your mother how to accomplish a specific task, it is full of distractions. If you feel compelled to share a screen recording, know that it will not be an easy task, and the person with whom you will share must select the appropriate options at all times during the user journey. From the lens of that person, watching the list of things you have to do while being nervous from a full-screen recording, which might easily consume hundreds of megabytes, is a horrible experience with no fun. Meanwhile, consider the demo videos from your favorite company; they are amusing. It has a lot of animations, zoom ins and outs, and even some cool backgrounds. What if we could do it whenever we took a video?
Today, Screen Studio is our product.
Screen Studio was recently created by a developer/designer creator. Adam Pietrasiak, the company's proprietor, says in a pinned tweet that he typed the program's first line of code on September 13. So, this is a relatively new tool that I had the opportunity to explore after seeing it on PH. It's truly magical. After that first take, I was certain that I could produce videos at a professional level with relative ease, and my mind was racing with possibilities. I can't express how much I admire these makers. Adam most likely thought about this idea for some time before completing the puzzle in his head and beginning to execute it, and the result is just beautiful.
The pricing structure is straightforward: for a fair payment, you have a permanent license. He opened his roadmap, and another thing I liked about it was the categorization. He listed the Community Hub ideas and has two more groups: Crazy Ideas and Considering. He also tagged significant stuff as "major" and not sure thoughts as "maybe". He describes himself as a developer/designer on Twitter, but he employs all important product management principles as well. So he's actually a developer/designer/product manager. You should give it a shot!
We’ll talk again tomorrow.
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