45 products left, but today Female Invest
Hi friend 👋,
Are we all equal? It's a tricky question to answer. However, most of us will say "No!" right away. This world is founded on inequalities and margins that may benefit others, which fuels further inequality. Of course, every human being is unique; some are more powerful or talented in some areas that can provide greater surplus-value. But, in terms of opportunities, are we all equal? "Hell no!" is still the answer. The discrimination against women is arguably the oldest. "This is a man's world," as James Brown sings. When I hear arguments against women's empowerment or positive discrimination, I want to vomit. It's even impossible to estimate how much the world owes women in terms of basic recompense.
Aside from all of these inequalities and how screwed up we are on this matter, there are initiatives that attempt to take a step toward resolution. Personal investing and money management are usually difficult. People should be educated on this, yet the finance business is dominated by a large bro-culture. Nobody cares about women or educating them personal finance so that they can achieve financial independence as soon as possible. Today’s product exists on a mission to help women who feel lonely and struggle to make best use of their money.
Today, Female Invest is our product.
Female Invest is a community rather than a product. After becoming a member, you will have immediate access to educations, magazines, webinars, and other resources. Women from all over the world are assisting one another regarding investments and the personal finance. They are also making all financial data as accessible as possible. I've always believed in the power of communities, and FI is a prime example.
Yes, I am unable to join this community. There is, however, a lesson for all of us. Women have been oppressed for generations, and they are constantly mobbed by men. They still rise up and strive to change what they were dealt. It's an uplifting community in every way. Even if we are not in paradise, the world is too big for us to be alone.
We’ll talk again tomorrow.
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