73 products left, but today be rooted
Hi friend 👋,
One of my objectives in creating this newsletter was to better understand my own taste. After testing so many different products, I've concluded that I prefer things with a narrative or something distinctive in their essence. Perhaps this is why I check so many D2C brands. Yes, I am aware that we live in a capitalist system where even fairy tales have a monetary value. Despite the cold reality of the world, I find that holding onto foolish beliefs actually makes me feel more secure and content.
It's not a fair world. This is harmful, especially to minority groups. It's quite difficult to bear, especially for women. In a word, I hate it. I hate even thinking about it, talking about it. Despite widespread injustice, there is no shortage of motivational tales of strong women who stand up to oppression, embrace change, and issue a challenge to the status quo. One of these tales is behind today's product.
Today, be rooted is our product.
be rooted is one of the best D2C brands I've come across. They have well-thought-out notebooks and planners. Taking notes on actual paper is so much more satisfying to me than in a digital format. The paper quality is praised by everyone who have used be rooted. In addition to the journals, they provide a recipe binder, which is fantastic if you enjoy cooking. Everything looks great, and I really like how the designers incorporated the brand's ethos into their work.
Sundays are perfect for making future plans and getting presents for loved ones. be rooted could be a good option for you. Additionally, I urge you to check out their blog. For far too long and in too many spaces, Black and Brown women have been left unseen and unspoken to. We have the power to change that. As they say:
Be Rooted in Culture.
Be Rooted in Reflection.
Be Rooted in Who You Are.
We’ll talk again tomorrow.