88 products left, but today Hugimals
Hi friend 👋,
Another weekend for guilty pleasures. I'm not the type of man who sleeps well during the week and can't get out of bed on weekends. On the contrary, I have a hard time falling asleep and am a morning person. A few months ago, I approached the CPO of a large-scale SaaS company for some simple guidance and mentorship. He turned to me in the midst of our chat and asked, "What keeps you up at night?"
Sometimes the thoughts that cross my mind but don't fall out of my mouth keep me awake at night. It might be anything: rage, fear, insecurity, naughtiness, or even simply a random idea. Simply put, I have no clue. And certainly, when I go to bed, I am visited by several Aykuts who are always eager to have a lively debate on any topic you care to bring up. I just have a hard time turning my mind off. I've tried Calm, breathing exercises, exercise, a caffeine-free diet, and more. It keeps getting stronger. And yet again, I awaken just as the sun is about to rise.
Of course, I didn't say any of those things to him; instead, I told him about our hopes for the product's future and the challenges our company is working to solve for our customers.
Maybe what you need in your deepest, darkest feelings is a meaningless hug. Without any expectations. Without saying a word. Just a simple hug to let you know you're not alone.
Today, Hugimals is our product.
Yes, I'm in my 30s, working as a c-level executive in a growth stage company, and I just shared plush animals with you as the product of the day. So what? They are really amazing! And the thing is, because of their evenly distributed weight, they hug you back. Look at their expressions to see how pleasurable they are to be around. It is intended for children with anxiety, but it is equally beneficial to adults. It also makes an excellent gift:)
This week, I believe I will have a lengthier session with my therapist.
We’ll talk again tomorrow.