9 products left, but today Brilliant
Hi friend 👋,
I was a good student when I was a kid. I'm not sure how it happened, but it did. Never have I struggled to grasp an intricate subject. And I certainly didn't attribute my comprehension to any innate brilliance on my part. In my head, I was constantly trying to make sense of everything and wondering what the point of anything was. Remembering information is much simpler if you understand the logic behind it. Everybody can achieve their full potential in math and science if they follow a certain strategy, in my opinion. In retrospect, there was a moment in my high school physics class that truly blew my mind. The teacher shared a story about a stranded astronaut who, with nothing but a pocket lamp for company, must use the light's repulsion powers to make his way to the space station. With just that small sample, I was able to grasp a great deal, and it was both frightening and humorous to think of the guy who had gone off into the night alone in the vastness of space.
When I was giving private lessons to make more money during college, I tried to imitate our physics teacher. I believe that if information is conveyed correctly, people can understand anything. And our educational materials are nothing near adequate in this area. Geometry, math, and science are present in many aspects of our lives. Consider your daily chores such as cooking, cleaning, exercising, repairing electrical equipment, repairing a broken faucet, and so on... These are full of basic physics, and if you understand them completely, they are fantastic tools for making your life easier.
Today, Brilliant is our product.
Brilliant bridges the gap between these lectures and actual life. They have a plethora of bite-sized lectures on the site, and I enjoy their films. It is not just for children; it is a terrific resource for people of all ages to learn topics. In my perspective, their main differentiator is the storytelling style they use, which cultivates interest. They also have a fantastic YouTube channel, with the most recent videos being particularly amusing. I was going to include the meerkat one, but this one made me laugh out loud.
Curiosity is the driving force that gets me out of bed every morning. It's like an obese portion of my brain and existence that I could commit my life to feeding. And I believe that if those of us with curiosity obesity form a community, we will not have many members, and a large number of us will be attention whores pretending to be curious. Brilliant has given me hope and made me smile today by allowing me to see interesting and curious people.
We’ll talk again tomorrow.
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